
Network Infra & Integration

progressive and pro-active contractor

One STOP Electrical Solution.
Class-1 Electrical Contractors in Bangalore

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Electrical Contractors In Bangalore - Class 1

We offer complete Turnkey Project Electrification solutions, right from the concept to the completion of the project.

Project Planning

The initial phase is to plan the project and the resource allocation for the total project in advance.

Resources Distribution

We make sure proper electrical resources are available at the right point of time for installation.


Post completion of the project, periodic maintenance ensures the safety of the building’s total electrical infrastructure.

Class 1 Electrical Contractor in Bangalore

We take great pride in being one of the class-1 Electrical Contractors and Engineers. We deliver complete solutions for all your electrical requirements, ranging from LT to HT.  We offer complete Turnkey Project Electrification solutions, right from the concept to the completion of the project. We procure temporary and permanent power sanctions for all types of projects and we provide superior power backup solutions, which are essential to have, especially in this rapidly evolving industrial era.




Electrical & Power Solutions

Our exclusive electrical technical consultancy services, complete with modern technology and dedicated off site/on-site support are:

  • High Voltage Distribution
  • Captive/Standby Generation
  • HT Power Distribution
  • LT Power Distribution
  • Power Distribution within buildings
  • Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
  • Power Control
  • Demand Control
  • Lighting Protection and Load Rolling System
  • Energy Monitoring
  • External Low Voltage Distribution
  • Emergency Lighting
  • Earthing System


Legendary Support

Our uniquely crafted Electrical solutions position your business to confidently face the challenges of the future era.

Electrical Contractors in Bangalore

Several times, you might have been confused between who is an electrician and who is an electrical contractor? Why do you need an electrical contractor? What are the services offered? And a hundred others. Let’s better understand electrical contractors and how and where you can avail of their services in Bangalore.

Who is an Electrical Contractor?

If you break down the word into two, the contractor gives half the meaning away, i.e., these people take up contracts to construct specialized electrical systems. They are responsible for designing the layout, installation, and regular maintenance of these electrical systems.

In Bangalore, as well as anywhere else in the world, electricity is one resource which powers our world, so it is very important to look for contractors who not only provide you the most optimum but also the most efficient system so that there are no or fewer breakdowns, no extra wastage of time and less harm to the environment.

Now you might wonder how you will avail of these services. You don’t have to keep looking around because Value Point Systems is always at your service.

Having been in the market for the last few years and providing its customers with the best possible services makes it a 10/10 on credibility and efficiency.

The work of an Electrical Contractor in Bangalore

Depending upon their specialization, the electrical contractors provide a variety of services which start from –

  • Making a plan for construction of the design
  • After getting everything approved, start the construction as per the laid-out plan.
  • And after completing the final output, evaluation, and maintenance.

Bangalore is home to companies that can provide the best possible services in the market for the construction of electrical systems, no matter the specialization and stage.

Value Point Systems being one of them, makes sure to give the best performance from the start to the end of the project.

What is the difference between electrical contractors in Bangalore and Electrician?

There is a very thin line of difference from the layman’s point of view.

Usually, an electrician performs electrical work for himself or other companies or electrical contractors and is usually trained and licensed. At the same time, electrical contractors take up contracts to construct electrical systems, i.e., a whole business with many experienced electricians on board.

Going for Value Point Systems assures you that you are choosing the best possible choice for your project because, along with professionals and experts, there are experienced electricians on board who know their craft well.

Types of Electrical Contractors in Bangalore?

When you get these services from Value Point Systems, you must not worry that your demand for any type of electrical contractor from the ones given below wouldn’t be fulfilled.

Voice/ Data/Video Electrical Contractors:

Working with low voltage systems, like power controls, fiber optics, wireless networks, security systems, these contractors are also known as integrated building contractors because they integrate all the systems inside and outside to work together as a whole.

Line Electrical Contractors:

These contractors usually work outside with infrastructure, high voltage power transmission, and distribution to get the power from the source to homes and buildings.

Inside Electrical Contractors:

They work with the cabling, wiring, repair, and maintenance, i.e., everything inside the property.

  • The electricians on board could be either of these four categories or others depending on the requirement matching with their skills and qualifications.
  • Apprentice electrician
  • Journeyman electrician
  • Estimator
  • Project supervisor.

Duties of an Electrical Contractor in Bangalore

Value Point Systems makes sure that all the duties laid down as per the particular project are always stuck to and completed with utmost efficiency and expert knowledge.

The jobs and duties can differ as per the project and their levels and skills specialization.

The most common layout of an electrical contractor’s duties is very similar to what we discussed above, like:

Plan the project: To understand the project, plan the design, and do all the preliminary work required, such as acquiring permits and licenses before starting a project.

Distribute resources and manage budget: In the construction part, the resources are distributed between various parts of the project and between various people working on the project depending upon the determined basis. Even the budget does not let the project go overboard with the available resources.

Create benchmarks and manage relationships– Benchmarks to assess the completed performance and ongoing performance as per some set standards to ensure the quality of work and management of relationships between the people working on the project, i.e., staff and to whom the project has to be ultimately delivered to, i.e., the customer.

Benefits of Hiring Electrical Contractors in Bangalore

Safety: To work with electricity is a whole lot of risk. When you choose reputed Electrical Contractors, they bring along an assurance of safety and work, considering all the safety concerns.


Hiring Electrical Contractors can also save a lot of your costs because they know the market better, having been in it for the longest time. As well as, if you take services from renowned electrical contractors who are very much invested in their work, they do not cause undue delays in implementation, adding to the overall cost of your project.


The best service providers in the market have the most efficient professional staff on board who have all the necessary qualifications, licenses, and skills required. They make sure whatever project they work on is their best, be it in terms of design or anything else. They also work efficiently to avoid any chances of failure, thus giving you the best quality possible.

Value Point Systems makes it a point to provide you with these benefits and much more.

Adherence to safety by Electrical Contractors in Bangalore

A very basic yet important guideline for all electrical contractors is to work, keeping in mind the safety of the people inside and outside. Specific guidelines depend on the state, city, and projects, and all the resources used must be of quality and design, which causes no harm to anyone.

Value Point Systems makes sure to adhere to all the safety guidelines and protocols applicable and never compromises with the safety of its people or the customers.

How can Value Point Systems Help

By finishing the heist before it even starts. Yes, Value Point Systems is one of the top choices for Electrical Contractors in Bangalore, and rightly so. Having understood the client’s need to the best of capabilities and having delivered satisfactory services over the period makes them one of the best in the market. And in case you want the same for your business, do not waste any more time and get Value Point Systems on board today.

Having understood all the generic and specific details, you must have concluded that an electrical contractor and, on top of that, choosing the best electrical contractors is really important for your business. So, get a plan made, start with the action and begin the heist for the best electrical contractors in Bangalore.

Frequently Asked Questions


What should be looked for when hiring an electrical contractor, i.e., key features?

The following could be your checklist when hiring an electrical contractor:

Qualifications and Experience: You can go through details of various options, the type, and the quality of work they’ve done before deciding.

License and Insurance: It is very important to avoid any legal problems and assure that they are authorized to do the work.

Recommendations and Testimonials: These can come in handy because if a person recommends a particular electrical contractor company, he or she might have had a fulfilling experience with them.

Attitude and Communication: Are they able to understand your needs and ideas and work according to them?

Value for money: Very obvious but very important because you should get value for any money you pay for a service.

What does an electrical contractor do, and how are they different from electricians?

An electrician is an individual who might be working for an electrical contractor company, and an electrical contractor is most probably a business or a company that takes up construction projects for maintaining and installing transmission lines and facilities and employ these electricians for various jobs.

How can I find the best Electrical Contractor in Bangalore?

First of all, you need to understand your requirements only then can you find people according to them. Once the requirements are set, you can look for businesses or professionals who have the skills, abilities, and experience to fulfill your requirements. Some of the best Electrical Contractors in Bangalore offer you a plethora of options to choose from, as per your needs, and one of the best in the market is Value Point Systems.

Does it make a difference if I choose the best or anyone?

Yes, it makes a difference because electricity powers your system. If it isn’t properly built and maintained, system failures can directly impact your business’s functioning, performance, and safety.

Is the process of choosing an electrical contractor and establishing the system very difficult?

There will be no difficulties from start to end if you have trusted people on board who understand your needs and believe in giving the best such as Value Point Systems.